
Feel free to contact me even just to say ciao! I'm based in New York City, so if you're around we can have a coffee and a chat together. Or you can enjoy my latest Dribbble shots here below.

Let’s keep in contact!

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble                       © Jeffrey Mariano Designs                   2011 - 2020. All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble                © Jeffrey Mariano Designs          2011 - 2020. All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble   © Jeffrey Mariano Designs   2011 - 2020. All rights reserved

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© Jeffrey Mariano Designs    2011 - 2020. All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble

Contact: jmariano19@gmail.com 

Contact: jmariano19@gmail.com 

Contact: jmariano19@gmail.com 

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble                                                  ©Jeffrey Mariano Designs  @2022. All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble                © Jeffrey Mariano Designs          2011 - 2020. All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble        © Jeffrey Mariano Designs      @2022 All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble                     

©Jeffrey Mariano Designs      @2022 All rights reserved

Linkedin    Behance    Instagram    Dribbble  @2022